

Play, download, or send sermons by David and other speakers.  Enjoy!

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/11/19 Christian Truth for a World In Decay David Barnes Sermon N/A AM MillerAve_2019-08-11_am.mp3
08/04/19 Forgetting What is Behind (Phil. 3:13-16) David Barnes Sermon N/A AM MillerAve_2019-08-04_pm.mp3
08/04/19 The One Right Meaning (2 Cor. 1:13-14) David Barnes Sermon N/A AM MillerAve_2019-08-04_am.mp3
07/28/19 Breastplate of Righteousness (Romans 3) David Barnes Sermon N/A AM MillerAve_2019-07-28_am.mp3
07/28/19 Friendship / Barnabas David Barnes Sermon N/A AM MillerAve_2019-07-28_pm.mp3 MillerAve_2019-06-30_AM2-1564360869.mp3
07/14/19 Sin is the problem Jesus is the answer Jim Turner Sermon N/A AM MillerAve_2019-07-14_am.mp3
07/14/19 The Last Trumpet Jim Turner Sermon N/A Sun PM MillerAve_2019-07-14_pm.mp3
07/07/19 Fit for the Fight, Truth David Barnes Sermon N/A AM MillerAve_2019-07-07_am.mp3 MillerAve_2019-06-30_AM2.mp3 MillerAve_2019-06-30_AM1.mp3 MillerAve_2019-06-29_3.mp3 MillerAve_2019-06-29_2.mp3 MillerAve_2019-06-29_1.mp3 MillerAve_2019-06-28_2.mp3 MillerAve_2019-06-28_1.mp3
07/07/19 The Peace Which Surpasses Understanding David Barnes Sermon N/A AM MillerAve_2019-07-07_pm.mp3
06/30/19 The Ethiopian Eunuch - Teaching one on one DJ McKnight Gospel Meeting Preaching, Teaching, and Spreading the Gospel Gospel Meeting MillerAve_2019-06-30_AM1-1564360785.mp3
06/30/19 The work of an Evangelist David Fiddament Gospel Meeting Preaching, Teaching, and Spreading the Gospel Gospel Meeting MillerAve_2019-06-30_AM2-1564360918.mp3
06/29/19 Prepared to give an answer David Fiddament Gospel Meeting Preaching, Teaching, and Spreading the Gospel Gospel Meeting MillerAve_2019-06-29_2-1564360288.mp3
06/29/19 Mars Hill - Man's need for the One True God Josh Lewis Gospel Meeting Preaching, Teaching, and Spreading the Gospel Gospel Meeting MillerAve_2019-06-29_1-1564360113.mp3
06/29/19 Paul's ministry in Thessalonica - Effective ministry Josh Carter Gospel Meeting Preaching, Teaching, and Spreading the Gospel Gospel Meeting MillerAve_2019-06-29_3-1564360372.mp3
06/29/19 "Come and See", Introducing the Savior Josh Lewis Gospel Meeting Preaching, Teaching, and Spreading the Gospel Gospel Meeting MillerAve_2019-06-29_3_1.mp3
06/28/19 The Samaritan woman - Jesus teaches at the well DJ McKnight Gospel Meeting Preaching, Teaching, and Spreading the Gospel Gospel Meeting MillerAve_2019-06-28_2-1564359344.mp3
06/28/19 The Good news - The message we have to share Josh Carter Gospel Meeting Preaching, Teaching, and Spreading the Gospel Gospel Meeting MillerAve_2019-06-28_1-1564359082.mp3
06/23/19 1 John 4:7-21 Ben Keehn Sermon N/A AM MillerAve_2019-06-23_AM.mp3
06/23/19 Abraham: Prioritizing Growth Ben Keehn Sermon N/A AM MillerAve_2019-06-23_PM.mp3
06/16/19 Fit for the Fight, Our Enemy David Barnes Sermon N/A AM MillerAve_2019-06-16_AM.mp3

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